Politiek incorrecte marketing-tips

Abonneer je op mijn beruchte tips voor ondernemers. Waarschuwing: ongeschikt voor millennials, freeloaders en mensen met lange tenen.

"Ik bescheur mij regelmatig om jouw mails"

"Geniale mail! Heb hardop zitten lachen"

Don’t make me think workshop van Steve Krug – Twitter-verslag

Aartjan van Erkel

Aartjan van Erkel

Copywriter · Bestseller-auteur

Politiek incorrecte sales en marketing

Lezers zeggen:

"Wat een geweldige e-mail. Ik kreeg er kippevel van. Hij sprak me meer aan dan de speeches van de minister-president en de koning. Mijn dank."

Karel van Zanten

"Ik bescheur mij regelmatig om jouw mails."

Sandra Hoekman

"Dank voor het dagelijkse geniet-momentje."

Marc Sijtstra

"Deze mail is echt GENIUS."

Digna Brand

"Ik heb geinspireerd door je tips mijn nieuwsbrief titels aangepast en echt meetbaar de openingspercentages verhoogd."

Jasmijn de Wit

"De tips zijn elke keer héél waardevol, en zooooo sappig & grappig verteld!"

Dries van Hooydonk

"Geniale mail!!! Heb hardop zitten lachen."

Ninke van der Leck

"Je bent de eerste verkoper van wie ik iedere mail open."

Jules Koekkoek

"Haha, dit is de leukste nieuwsbrief die ik ooit gekregen heb."

Hanneke de Wit

"Ik word blij van deze andere manier van marketing."

Peter Clausman

"Jouw mails zijn letterlijk de enige die ik helemaal lees."

Nadie Haarsma

"Liggen rollen van het lachen, hulde! 🙂"

Jacques Mentrop

"Bedankt voor alle tips. Die hebben veel inschrijvingen opgeleverd voor de schilderworkshops."

Bart van der Bom

"Ga alsjeblieft door met je dagelijkse mailtjes, they make my day!"

Freke Schoemaker

"Je bent een held hahahahaha briljant dit weer. Dank!"


Steve Krug is auteur van Don’t make me think, het leukste boekje over website usability. Vorige week gaf hij een workshop in Londen.

Ik ging naar de workshop en zette alle 57 inzichten die ik toen kreeg op Twitter – in het Engels.
Beleef de workshop van Steve Krug alsof je er zelf bij was!

Voor iedereen met interesse voor:

  • Website usability
  • Simpele, goedkope usability tests
  • Leestips
  • Gratis tools

Don't make me think - Steve Krug workshop

Don’t make me think, het leukste boekje over website usability

Wat ik leerde bij de workshop Don’t make me think

  1. Steve recommends reading Forms that work
  2. 20% of people is search dominant
  3. The main thing you can spot in eyetracking is reading
  4. Give important content a graphic treatment and it will look like an ad, and nobody reads it
  5. Geruststellend tekstje onder action button is bij Amazon soms een linkje, bv Change payment method onder bestelknop
  6. Elements that promote credibility of websites – Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab
  7. Clarity trumps everything, should be number 1 priority for websites
  8. Nobody in the history of recorded time has ever taken home a video tape recording of a usability test, so don’t tape them
  9. Steve watches his own gaze patterns when using the web for daily tasks, surprised at the amount of reading he does
  10. Gaze patterns of individual users more insightful than heatmaps so record SOME sessions 🙂
  11. One of the hardest things about testing: start early enough. Start before you have a lot worth testing
  12. It’s pretty much impossible to get rid of all the usability problems, so get over it
  13. Often it’s really easy to find the most serious usability problems
  14. Consistency is an overrated usability principle. Forget about consistency when you gain clarity by being inconsitent
  15. 3 main questions during usability test: 1. What are you thinking, 2. What are you looking at, 3. What did you expect would happen
  16. Motto when fixing usability: What’s the smallest change we can maken that might solve the problem?
  17. The more whitespace around something, the more people will notice it
  18. Visual hierarchy: things that are important look important, by making them bigger
  19. Jared Spool: Redesigns don’t work, do evolution as opposed to redesign
  20. Simple, frequent user testing is what will always make a site better, not bringing in outside experts
  21. User testing pretty much always works, producing very valuable results with minimal efforts
  22. Bare bones usability testing: a morning a month
  23. Bare bones usability testing: 3 or 4 users in each test
  24. Don’t use same test users more than once on the same site: if you’ve used them, you’ve burnt them
  25. Usability testing is like live theatre. Get as many people to watch because everybody finds it interesting
  26. Use any trickery to get people to watch, eg ask your manager saying it would be great for the morale of the web team if she pokes her head in
  27. For most testing you can use most anybody. They will still run into the same problems as someone from your actual target audience
  28. Use free screen recording software: Camtasia or Morae ( of CamStudio
  29. Don’ts in usability testing: 1. Collect data on who test users were, don’t keep extra information
  30. Don’ts in usability testing: 2. Ask exit questions about your brand + the usability of your site coz they’ll be unreliable
  31. Don’ts in usability testing: 3. No big report, just draw conclusions over lunch with the webteam Steve Krug demonstreert een discount usability test met een deelnemer aan de workshop Don't make me thinkSteve Krug demonstreert een discount usability test met een deelnemer aan de workshop Don’t make me think 
  32. After usability test figure out with webteam which 3-4 problems you are going to fix and who is going to fix them
  33. Use screen recording during user test and e-mail some recordings to people
  34. Discount user test: drag 3-4 people in and have them look at your homepage to figure out what the site is about
  35. Discount user test: have them perform typical task that they can choose themselves
  36. Discount user test: ask them to think out loud
  37. Discount user test: have them do the same process with 1 or 2 competitor’s sites
  38. Use sample usability test script and just read it aloud during test, don’t improvise
  39. Use a USB microphone to avoid technical problems with sound card, test user voice really clear!
  40. Stick to what you saw in a test. If a help text is unclear fix that help text, don’t change whole way you write help texts
  41. When you start prototyping find a site that does what you’re thinking of doing and test that
  42. Choosing tasks to test: what have we built that we can test, or test sketches, linked wireframes or HTML of a few pages
  43. Recommended read: Paper prototyping
  44. Choosing tasks: What task do you wake up thinking about, What tasks are people likely to do, What tasks crucial 4 business
  45. Test real tasks that people would have done IRL, free range browsing tasks are good for testing
  46. Give them a task and give them a scenario for the task to get some context (don’t get carried away on the context)
  47. Test a task: supply specific information the user would actually have or get it real and let them use their own information
  48. Writing scenario for user task: don’t use telegraph style and before giving the printed task read it aloud to him
  49. A user test should not last longer than 1 hour per user
  50. Clear your browser cache between user tests to erase visited links
  51. In user test scenario avoid using words that will appear on screen
  52. Most seducing book on Steve’s reading table: Neuro web designWhat makes them click by Weinschenk, definitely buying it
  53. Another good read: Building findable websites
  54. Lists are surprisingly similar when website stakeholdes are asked to list most important tasks for users on their website
  55. Tell test users to not use search
  56. Tips for paying test users: gifts, some of your software, amazon gift certificate
  57. Moderated remote testing Webex, Gotomeeting, Uservue, record it at your end with Camtasia or Morae

Politiek incorrecte marketing-tips

Abonneer je op mijn beruchte tips voor ondernemers. Waarschuwing: ongeschikt voor millennials, freeloaders en mensen met lange tenen.

"Ik bescheur mij regelmatig om jouw mails"

"Geniale mail! Heb hardop zitten lachen"

© Aartjan van Erkel - De Verwoording BV - Dorpsstraat 2 - 3981EB - Bunnik - Voorwaarden - Cookies & privacy - Klantenservice 030-6048418 - E-mail

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